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Posted in Articles (updated on 03/7/2024)

Hi guys,

Please find below the latest updates on scams.

Do not trust any websites that claim to be PB Tech unless it's directly from us at

This is our only Facebook page for PB Tech - you'll know by the blue tick next to our name.

facebook blue authentication tick

Do not click on any links provided by fake pages and feel free to report them to us immediately so we can let others know :)

Thank you!

UPDATE: 27/09/24 & 7/11/24 - Emails promising a free item in exchange for a review

There have been multiple reports this morning of people receiving fake emails from PB Tech asking them to complete a customer satisfaction survey in exchange for a free item of the user's choice. This is false, and should be ignored and reported to your email provider if possible. Please do not click any links in the email, and even more importantly, do not enter any payment details or such if you have already clicked a link.

UPDATE: 23/08/24 - Scam text messages pretending to be banks

There have been multiple reports of people receiving text messages from unknown numbers, acting as a bank, and asking customers to call a number to dispute a transaction to PB Tech. Please note - while some banks may send verification messages to you, if you are ever unsure, call the bank's phone number on their website. Do not call the number in the text message.

UPDATE: 7/08/24 -Social media accounts advertising unrealistically priced items at PB Tech

There have been multiple accounts across Facebook and Instagram advertising high-priced products on sale almost for free at PB Tech. This is not the case, all current promotions at PB Tech can be found by clicking the promotions tab at the top of the website. Please report and block these accounts and always look for the blue verified tick next to our name. DO NOT click any links they send you and DO NOT give them your email or password.

UPDATE: 8/07/24 & 31/07/2024 - Afterpay & PayPal Scam Emails

We've received reports of people being sent scam emails from senders that appear to be Afterpay and/or PayPal DO NOT CLICK ANYTHING. DO NOT CALL ANY NUMBERS IN THESE EMAILS. Please note, Afterpay and PayPal will never send these types of emails, nor will PB Tech. If you are suspicious, please get in touch with Afterpay by clicking here, or PayPal by clicking here.

A couple of things to note:

  • The email most likely didn’t come from an or email address.
  • Note poor punctuation, no capital A for Afterpay where it says “Thanks for using afterpay”
  • Do not click anything or call any number in the email. Report as spam and delete.
  • Afterpay doesn’t even accept AMEX or Discover credit cards.
  • Afterpay won’t send emails like this, neither will PayPal.
  • Most importantly – if you are unsure, the easiest way to check is via the Afterpay app on your phone (everyone has this – you can’t use Afterpay without it). Likewise if you use PayPal - log in to the app on your phone.


UPDATE: 19/03/24 - $2 Dell Laptop Scam

We've received reports of people being advertised to on Facebook claiming a "first time buyers promotion" and that PB are selling damaged Dell Laptops for $2. This is not the case. The ad takes people who click on it to a website with a random URL beginning with, and asks them to pay in exchange for a box-damaged Dell Laptop. Do not enter any information if you do happen to end up on the page, and if you see the Facebook ad, please help us to report it to Meta.

UPDATE: 3/11/23 - Scam Bank Text Messages

We've received reports of people receiving scam text messages from their bank, informing them that their bank accounts/bank cards have been debited by PB Tech, and asking them to call a number. If you receive one of these messages and are unsure about it, we recommend you call your bank's main 0800 phone number rather than the number in the text message.

UPDATE: 29/03/23 -Social media accounts advertising unrealistically priced items at PB Tech

There have been multiple accounts across Facebook and Instagram advertising high-priced products on sale almost for free at PB Tech. This is not the case, all current promotions at PB Tech can be found by clicking the promotions tab at the top of the website. Please report and block these accounts and always look for the blue verified tick next to our name. DO NOT click any links they send you and DO NOT give them your email or password.

UPDATE: 2/1/23 - Scammer impersonating PB Tech CEO Gary Bigwood with fake Facebook profile

There is an active scammer who has setup a fake Facebook profile impersonating PB Tech CEO Gary Bigwood. The real Gary Bigwood does not have a Facebook profile at all so if you are approached by this scammer do not engage with them and report the profile to Facebook using the 'report' function. Here is a link to the fake profile:

UPDATE: 21/12/22 - Fake IG & FB Accounts telling users they have won our X-Mas Giveaway

There have been multiple Instagram and Facebook pages pretending to be us and messaging customers that they have won our Christmas giveaway. Please report and block these accounts and always look for the blue verified tick next to our name. DO NOT click any links they send you and DO NOT give them your email or password. 

UPDATE: 15/12/22 - Phishing emails of PB Tech Gift Card Vouchers

There has been a new scam going around of emails being sent to customers coming from accounts that are impersonating us and offering gift vouchers. Please be careful and do not click any of the links on these scam emails. Any email from us will come from domain.

UPDATE: 7/06/22 - Scam comments on Facebook Giveaway

There have been numerous different accounts replying to customers' comments on our recent Facebook giveaways and saying they have won. Please do not click any link they post and do not message them. Always look for our account name with the verified blue tick when we announce the winners.

UPDATE: 27/05/22 - Phishing Emails

There have been phishing emails going around. Please do not click any links on these emails.

UPDATE: 19/05/22 - Fake FB & IG Accounts telling users they have won our Birthday Giveaway

There have been multiple fake Facebook & Instagram pages pretending to be us and messaging customers that they have won our 29th Birthday giveaway. Please report and block these accounts and always look for the blue verified tick next to our name. DO NOT click any links they send you. 

UPDATE: 13/12/21 - Fake Mi Store Facebook Account doing Scam Giveaways

There is a fake Mi Store Facebook account with over 3k likes. They are running a $2 scooter promotion which is a scam. Please report and block this account if you encounter it. Our official Mi Store Facebook page is called 'Mi Store NZ'.

Fake Mi Store page - 

UPDATE: 20/09/21 - Fake PB Tech Facebook & Instagram Accounts doing Scam Giveaways

There are multiple fake PB Tech Facebook & Instagram accounts adding people and messaging them that they have won prizes from our recent Arlo & Jam Giveaways. They are then sent a link to complete a form to register to win, please DO NOT click the click if you receive this message. Please report and block these accounts and always look for the blue verified tick next to our name.

UPDATE: 06/09/21 - Fake PB Tech Facebook Accounts Messaging Users and Scam Giveaways

There are multiple fake PB Tech Facebook pages adding people and messaging them that they have won prizes. They are then sent a link to complete a form to register to win, please DO NOT click the click if you receive this message. Please report and block these accounts and always look for the blue verified tick next to our name.

UPDATE: 06/09/21 - Fake PB Tech Instagram Accounts Messaging Users and Scam Giveaways

There are multiple fake PB Tech Instagram pages adding people and messaging them that they have won prizes. They are then sent a link to complete a form to register to win, please DO NOT click the click if you receive this message. Please report and block these accounts and always look for the blue verified tick next to our name.

Scam Accounts: 

UPDATE: 22/03/21 - Fake PB Tech Instagram Page Messaging Users

There is a fake PB Tech Instagram page adding people and messaging them that they have won, they are then sent a link to complete a form to register to win, please DO NOT click the click if you receive this message.

UPDATE: 16/03/21 - Fake PB Tech Facebook Page Messaging Users

There is a fake PB Tech Facebook page adding people and messaging them that they have won, they are then sent a link to complete a form to register to win, please DO NOT click the click if you receive this message.

Fake PB Tech FB Page 1 - 

Fake PB Tech FB Page 2 - 

UPDATE: 03/02/21 - Fake PB Tech Instagram Page Messaging Users

There is a fake Instagram PB Tech account. Please do not click on any links if they message you.

Fake Account -

UPDATE: 03/02/21 - Fake PB Tech Facebook Page Adding & Messaging Users

There is another fake PB Tech Facebook page that is scamming users by adding them and telling them they have won a lottery prize.

UPDATE: 28/01/21 - Fake PB Tech Facebook Page

There is another fake PB Tech Facebook page that is scamming users by reposting our posts and doing giveaways.

Scam FB Page - 

UPDATE: 21/01/21 - Fake PB Tech Facebook Page

There is a fake PB Tech Facebook page that is scamming users by reposting our posts.

Scam FB Page - 

UPDATE: 24/12/20 - Fake PB Tech Facebook Page Doing Christmas Giveaway

There is a fake PB Tech Facebook page that is scamming users by using our Christmas Giveaway. Please be careful and always look for the blue tick! 

Scam FB Page -